Saturday, May 24, 2008

Shodoshima Pictures...

Shodoshima, in only two colors

EliJapanA 004
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

They have mirrors for all of the corners on the road, oh my god!

EliJapanA 005
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

Jiro planting rice!

EliJapanA 006
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

Now I'm planting rice!

EliJapanA 007
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

It's the tallest Boddisatva in the world.

EliJapanA 008
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

This guy kicked butt.

EliJapanA 009
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

This is a temple.

EliJapanA 010
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

Japanese people doing some rice planting.

EliJapanA 011
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

Japanese baby with rice mud. Darling.

EliJapanA 012
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

This is when I was stirring a pot.

EliJapanA 013
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

Bonzai tree. At a temple. Sand raked.

EliJapanA 014
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

An endemic Aracima.

EliJapanA 015
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

Trees being pretty.

EliJapanA 016
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

Island being pretty.

EliJapanA 017
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

Food being delicious.

EliJapanA 018
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

I played a song for a kindergarden class! Dang, cute.

EliJapanA 019
Originally uploaded by Shokkman

Jiro and the corner of his wife, Sanae's head.

EliJapanA 020
Originally uploaded by Shokkman


Rebecca said...

Dude, I would have given anything to see those little Japanese kindergartners laughing at you!

Unknown said...

elor! incredible photos - i would love to learn how to plant and work with rice! good to hear you're having an awesome time. i recorded a field notes without your excellent editorial help - the quality of it was just a fraction of what it could have been. but that's ok, you're entertaining little japanese kids, which is worth more than a field notes. :)

Anonymous said...

have you gotten smaller? or have the japanese grown? you seem the size of the small children